Privacy Policy

Last Update: September 13th, 2024

The very short version: we don't store anything except your BlueSky handle and generated HTML that displays your last thirty posts / reposts. This HTML file is generated with a hashed (RSA-256) filename so it can't be guessed. We do not give or sell your information to anyone else, though we do transfer your handle to BlueSky when looking up your timeline. We don't use any cookies or analytical software. We don't track anything you do. We are deeply uninterested in measuring anything about you, your behavior on the internet, or what you might be interested in purchasing.

The text of this Privacy Policy was adapted from that found on BlueSky. BlueSky and its affiliated corporate entities are in no way related to Embed Bsky and are not responsible for the following privacy policy.

Embed Bsky's app is a web application that allows users to embed their BlueSky timelines on their website or blog. A summary of our privacy practices for Embed Bsky is immediately below. You can read on for more detail.